Top Ten Interview Tips
With a new series of Dragon’s Den underway, we thought it would be quite timely of us to post a blog which highlights the do’s and don’ts when it comes to making the best impression. Those first moments are crucial in a job interview – so make those initial seconds memorable ones.
1. Make your first impression a lasting one
Strong introductions begin with a smile and a firm handshake – remember to keep eye contact. It’s easier said than done, but do try and relax and make natural conversation – particularly if you’re being interviewed by a number of people and have to wait for others to join you. Break the ice with a little small talk. Demonstrate how well you engage with people.
2. Follow the age old adage. Be prepared.
Make sure you’ve done your research. Know everything that there is to know by genning up on the company’s website and make the most of your recruitment consultant’s knowledge of the company too. Don’t forget to look over your CV before you go into any interview, it’s surprising how far back some interviwers may go into your work history.
3. Keep things simple, and to the point.
Try and answer any questions succinctly, remember your interviewer is probably on a tight schedule, so it’s never good to ramble. That said, if there is a question you’re unsure how to respond to, ask for a few moments to gather your thoughts, and then answer. It will come across so much more professional.
4. Know your qualities
Though we can never predict what an interviewer may ask, you can generally expect a question about your qualities, and what you may bring to a role. Make sure you know your strengths and can give examples which highlight your capabilities. So, if you think you’re a great team leader, illustrate a point in your career when these strengths were called upon and you delivered results.
5. Think about your body language
Your body language speaks volumes. As nervous as you may be, make a conscious effort to keep your arms relaxed, not folded across you, and maintain eye contact as much as possible.
6. Remember it’s a two way conversation
Show you’re engaged, be positive and don’t forget to ask questions about your interviewer and the company’s ambitions for the future.
7. Be positive
Never reflect on your previous roles in a negative light, it’s the last thing an interviewer wants to hear.
8. Tricky questions? Ask for clarification.
Be upfront, if you’re unsure of a question, ask for clarification – we’re all human.
9. Be ready for ‘the killer’ question
Well, as prepared as you can be. If you are asked an awkward question, then do your best to answer it. Some of the best are along the lines of… how would your manager describe you. Try and be as honest as you can, as embarrassing as it may be.
10. Be polite – that’s a given.
Even after the interview sustain your enthusiasm by thanking your interviewer for their time, and the opportunity, and reminding them of how keen you are to take up a position with the company.